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we're so happy you're here!


Inspire Main Zoom Room

Made for young families and rest-lovers alike, join us every Saturday afternoon for a relaxing & rejuvenating worship:


3:00 - 5:00pm: Divine Service

Bring your little ones and come have some fun with our one and only Children's Ministry Leader - Kendal Brouet!


Saturday mornings at 9:30am

Zoom United Prayer Groups:


Monday @ 7:30pm: Praying Woman

Tuesday @ 7:30pm: Praying Parent

Wednesday @ 7:30pm: Praying Husband

Thursday @ 7:30pm: United Prayer


Here you can re-watch that sermon you slept through last week, interviews with our interesting members, and other Inspiring content.

Relevant Revelations

Are you confused about all the signs and seals and dragons and angels in Revelations? Or maybe you just love deciphering codes. Come join us to learn about why Revelations is actually still relevant this very day!


Friday Nights @ 8:00pm

Get Connected:


Reach out to us, we'd love to connect!

“Inspire gives me the freedom to work/partner up with God instantly, instead of waiting and wondering and then waiting and wondering again. I can run with God & obey Him right away!×´ 

Loveza T.

wife & mother of 3


“Inspire is a living, breathing Bayanihan* spirit!×´ 


*a selfless, sacrificial, community-creating, synergizing spirit. 

Shine M.

wife & mother of 3


“Inspire is filled with people just like you, who are on a journey to God, but each taking their own individual and unique path to get there. We'll meet you where God does, wherever that may be.×´ 

Pastor Matt R.

of Inspire Ministries

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Some thoughts from our members

© 2021 by Inspire Ministries

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